My character based sessions can be created from scratch, linked specifically to the curriculum or used as stand-alone projects.
I developed ‘Character in a Cupboard’ for Key Stage 1 at Cravenwood Primary School many moons ago and it has proved a to be a brilliantly adaptable concept for getting young pupils (epsecially boys) to write. Thanks to the wonderful folks at The Royal Exchange costume hire and my own magical wardrobe I can turn up at your school as the most believable pirate, soldier or other character very early in the morning and eat my breakfast in a cupboard of an early years class. Pupils then arrive have register etc and then Miss/Sir will ask someone to get something from said cupboard (where I am pretending to be asleep). Child will then return saying (usually in hushed tones) something like ‘Miss, there’s a pirate asleep in the cupboard’…repeat with next pupil after dismissing this ridiculous idea and then whole class come and see..Captain Johnny then wakes up with a loud ‘AAhaa!’ pupils meet him for the first time….After realising he doesn’t know why he’s there and he is missing his ship and crew, Captain Johnny leads the class through different activites which can include making story islands (with a full cast of characters and creatures), map making, songs, stories etc culminating in the pupils writing their own versions of his story….(This is the same format for Soldier etc)….I’m currently working with Salford University drama students and book maker Lucy May Schoefieldand her original 1940’s French Bus which acts as a time machine transporting 5 of us to Primary Schools as various wartime characters for Key Stage 2…
This year I have written and added to, several new character projects including a First World War British soldier, a WW2 Spiv/Black Marketeer and a Victorian Gentleman for both Key Stages 1 and 2 and Key stage 3. These all come with a large range of associated original and authentic props and artefacts which are used/appear during the unravelling of storylines/narration/conversations…The First World War Project has been updated for the centenary in 2014, is all encompassing and if you have an understanding site manager with a digger, can be delivered in a trench!….
WW1 sessions are booking up fast for the new term…call me direct if you’d like to book one…
Published: 25th March 2013
Themes: boys character collections drama history military project victorian world war writing