

From the hundreds of varied projects I’ve written and delivered it is very hard to choose several to put up here. The following have been some of my favourites for completely different reasons. Sometimes outcomes aren’t what you expect them to be. A whole group may benefit from a project or a single individual. I encourage people to take risks and try the unknown.My focus is always on process and if a satisfying end product comes from that process that’s an added bonus.
I can create projects whatever your requirement, deliver teacher insets and bring in fellow practitioners with other specialisms.


Geography linked Primary/Secondary: Settlements/Living in extremes
Art History: Colour and Artistic Movements from Early Humans to Digital Art
Pirates: Character based workshops including art/drama/handling collection/music
WW1/WW2: Character based workshops including creative writing/art/drama
Slavery: Introduction to: African tribal culture/ traditional mask making using collection
Around the World in Art: Japan/Mexico/France/Africa/Inuit Art etc
KS1/KS2 Music sessions leading into creative writing/art
Coast: Creating 3D beach dioramas/creative writing
Storytelling sessions
with our gypsy caravan ‘Queenie’ (additional cost)
Travelling Museum timeline sessions across school sessions
Skeleton and bone structure drawing sessions with real examples (big collection)
Den building: Settlements/Totems//Headresses/Currency/Flag making etc
SERIES:Multi media creative journey from one stimulus

All of these can be adapted for KS2/KS3 and please ask for KS1 and can include a range of different art outcomes, creative writing, music, puppetry and film and drama.

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Character/Living History Sessions

My character based sessions can be created from scratch, linked specifically to the curriculum or used as stand-alone projects. I developed ‘Character in a Cupboard’ for Key Stage 1 at Cravenwood Primary School many moons ago and it has proved a to be a brilliantly adaptable concept for getting young pupils (epsecially boys) to write. Thanks to […]

Published: 25th March 2013

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Suitcases Project: Cathedral School of St. Peter & St. John

I collect suitcases and use them in all manner of ways. This was one of my ‘middle of the night’ ideas that other Headteachers might have dismissed immediately as insane . Magaret at The Cathedral School however, was incredibly excited. I arrived at the school with a van filled with 200 suitcases at 5.30 one […]

Published: 2nd October 2010

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‘Who do you think you are?’: Trafford Schools

Sale and Stretford Grammar Schools, Broadoak High School and Lostock High School were involved in the ‘Who do you think you are?’ project. I worked with pupils from Year 9 on the theme of identity and each person produced a mixed-media piece of artwork that looked at themselves and their place within the borough of […]

Published: 1st October 2010

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St. Peter’s: The Princess & the pea

The emphasis on this project was to engage Year 3 pupils with reading and writing. We looked at many different versions of the fairytale ‘The Princess and the pea’ and then rewrote it as a class with every pupil becoming a character in the new version. The class decided they wanted to produce a puppet […]

Published: 1st October 2010

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Chorlton High School had difficulties getting pupils in Geography to engage with the topic of Antarctica and the Modern Languages department had similar difficulties with tenses in French. Working with pupils and the wonderful  Royal Exchange Theatre Education team, myself, Director Amy Leach and sound artist Ade Holbrook, created a three part play about the […]

Published: 1st October 2010

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Stranded’ was written as a week long project disguised as a game for Longton High School in Stoke-on-Trent. The emphasis was on getting a whole year group to engage with writing types through becoming part of an interactive scenario where writing was rewarded. ‘Stranded’ is now a project that I have written and adapted for […]

Published: 28th September 2010

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I bring real Roman, Medieval and miscellaneous artifacts into schools for children to handle, try on etc. Museums always frustrated me as a child because you could only look from outside the cases. Obviously there are distinct reasons for protecting antiquities and rare objects, but I hope this goes some way to making a connection […]

Published: 28th September 2010

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Art and language

A lot of my work, both educational and personal, deals with arts involvement with language and vice versa. Doing anything, be it sport, mathematics, science or cooking, has a link to or creates language as you participate in it. This can be really simplistic in terms of its content but it can all be used […]

Published: 29th July 2010

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Learning spaces

Over the last few years, I have been asked to work with children and teaching staff in many schools to find out about and create ideal learning spaces. These have been different in every case. Some are inside, some are outside. Some are temporary, some permanent. A dense jungle corridor in key stage 1, a […]

Published: 2nd July 2010

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Ashton PRU

I have been the Art teacher at Ashton Pupil Referal Unit in Tameside for 5 years. I teach both the Secondary and Primary age groups. Pupils work in a huge range of 2D and 3D media embracing art history and often working with a cross-curricular focus. My focus is on engagement, building of self esteem […]

Published: 1st June 2010

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