Theme: engagement

antiquities area art artist boxes boys character collections confidence cpd creative cross-curricular development drama engagement exhibition experiment game history identity inset language learning literacy military Music old outcomes past work performance problem solving project projects puppets reading schools self esteem space teachers text the hurtful taunts training victorian world war writing

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St. Peter’s: The Princess & the pea

The emphasis on this project was to engage Year 3 pupils with reading and writing. We looked at many different versions of the fairytale ‘The Princess and the pea’ and then rewrote it as a class with every pupil becoming a character in the new version. The class decided they wanted to produce a puppet […]

Published: 1st October 2010

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Stranded’ was written as a week long project disguised as a game for Longton High School in Stoke-on-Trent. The emphasis was on getting a whole year group to engage with writing types through becoming part of an interactive scenario where writing was rewarded. ‘Stranded’ is now a project that I have written and adapted for […]

Published: 28th September 2010

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Ashton PRU

I have been the Art teacher at Ashton Pupil Referal Unit in Tameside for 5 years. I teach both the Secondary and Primary age groups. Pupils work in a huge range of 2D and 3D media embracing art history and often working with a cross-curricular focus. My focus is on engagement, building of self esteem […]

Published: 1st June 2010

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