Theme: language

antiquities area art artist boxes boys character collections confidence cpd creative cross-curricular development drama engagement exhibition experiment game history identity inset language learning literacy military Music old outcomes past work performance problem solving project projects puppets reading schools self esteem space teachers text the hurtful taunts training victorian world war writing

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Chorlton High School had difficulties getting pupils in Geography to engage with the topic of Antarctica and the Modern Languages department had similar difficulties with tenses in French. Working with pupils and the wonderful  Royal Exchange Theatre Education team, myself, Director Amy Leach and sound artist Ade Holbrook, created a three part play about the […]

Published: 1st October 2010

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Art and language

A lot of my work, both educational and personal, deals with arts involvement with language and vice versa. Doing anything, be it sport, mathematics, science or cooking, has a link to or creates language as you participate in it. This can be really simplistic in terms of its content but it can all be used […]

Published: 29th July 2010

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